If you have had success finding or selling a BMW M Roadster and would like to leave a small finders or sellers fee, of course we'll accept it, but do not feel in any way obligated. We love what we do!
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Jon Martin Fort Collins, CO
Hi all, I’m listing my 2001 M Roadster on BAT soon but thought I would put it here first in case anyone has interest I bought it 4 years ago from the president on the NJ BMWCCA. 42k miles. Matching hardtop with stand. original perfect trunk welds. I know the market is not great. I have the original window sticker plus a binder with all receipts from new. Whoever winds up with this M, won’t be disappointed. I just done use it much. It’s time for someone else to enjoy it. I think it could be one of the cleanest around. Please message me if interested.
Private Tomkins Cove, NY
This is a really nice roadster that hasn't been driven much since we last saw it for sale in 2021. Randy Forbes himself did a lot of the early maintenance on it. The price seems fair.
Click an image to enlarge:
Boston, MA - $25,750.00 76,400 miles
Atlanta, GA - $23,500.00 90,000 miles
Plainview, NY - $26,500.00 55,000 miles
Jamestown, NY - $23,500.00 111,600 miles
Lake Mary, FL - $19,500.00 43,205 miles